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Pepper # 619

Pepper # 619
Copyright ©2007, Randall Beaudin
Viewed times

Photographer: Randall Beaudin
Folder: RanD'Art
Uploaded: 15-Feb-2007 02:51 CET
Current Rating: 9.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C8080
Exposure time: 2 sec
Aperture: f8.0
Focal length:
Focusing method:
ISO: 50
White balance: Daylight
Flash: external
Image format: RAW
Processing applied: Converted / Resized.
Various: Multiple Flash
Image resized to: 675x900

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wow,nice stripes and curves...,nice colors too,like it

karmen orlić gr?etić at 17:01 CET on 15-Feb-2007 [Reply]


Very nice composition Randall, at first glance I couldn?t realize the knife !!

Ricardo Rico at 20:40 CET on 15-Feb-2007 [Reply]

The art of seeing.

Ricardo Rico wrote:
> Very nice composition Randall, at first glance I couldn?t realize the knife !!
That's the idea Ricardo, make folks really look! As I have said before I use an additive approach to lighting and each element is carefully executed to make the whole. In other words, I screwed around with the light on the knife to get what I wanted without it overpowering the comp. ;-) Glad you like.

Randall Beaudin at 20:59 CET on 15-Feb-2007 [Reply]