The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs


Copyright ©2007, Ricardo Rico
Viewed times

Photographer: Ricardo Rico
Folder: Ricardo R. Rico
Uploaded: 10-Apr-2007 23:54 CEST
Current Rating: 10.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C7070
Exposure time: 1/3
Aperture: f/4
Focal length:
Focusing method: iESP
ISO: 100
White balance: Daylight
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied:
Various: tripod and slight movemet of the camera.
Image resized to: 600x749

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I adore that one Ricardo..

karmen orlić gr?etić at 16:44 CEST on 11-Apr-2007 [Reply]


karmen orlić gr?etić wrote:
> I adore that one Ricardo..
Thanks Again Karmen. Cheers Ricardo

Ricardo Rico at 01:00 CEST on 14-Apr-2007 [Reply]


I like this very much. I am not quite sure about the frame you have chosen but the rest is very...very good! he red-orange-yellow colours match perfectly with the Far-Eastern theme. Blurred image adds a sense of mystery as if the image of Boddhisattva (looks a bit like Avalokitesvara known lso as Guanyin in China?)
was being seen by somebody through a smoke of incense or by somebody on opium. And the flowers - of course;) - hint to the 1960-70?s hippie culture here in the West. Ths image would work fine as a record cover for some exotic Eastern flavoured NewAge-trance-meditation album. There is someting in this photo that makes one to want to look aat it repeatedly or for a long time. Summa summarum - to me this is one of the most interesting photos on this site that I have seen for a quite a long time.
Very imaginative! Congratulations.

Pekka Nihtinen at 09:46 CEST on 15-Apr-2007 [Reply]