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Transformation Completed


Transformation Completed
Copyright ©2007, Fonzy -
Viewed times

Above the link to the Larva from the LadyBug Today I was just to late to see how she came out of her cocoon... Just in time to capture her after the transformation was done... Still a little transparent , no black dots on her shield she will go and explore her world. Hope you like it ....;-)

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Macro 2007
Uploaded: 24-May-2007 18:47 CEST
Current Rating: 9.33/3
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time: 1/160
Aperture: 14
Focal length: 150mm
Lens: Sigma 150mm macro
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 160
White balance: Auto
Flash: external
Image format: RAW
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 621x800

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Transformation Completed

Wonderful Macro, Fons.

Kindest regards: Karen

Karen French at 14:03 CEST on 25-May-2007 [Reply]


Very interesting macro, Fons.
First time I see this transformation.

Bruno Nardin at 11:58 CEST on 26-May-2007 [Reply]


Karen French wrote:
> Wonderful Macro, Fons.
> Kindest regards: Karen

Thank you very much Karen...;-))

Best regards...........Fons

Fonzy - at 17:48 CEST on 26-May-2007 [Reply]


Bruno Nardin wrote:
> Very interesting macro, Fons.
> First time I see this transformation.
> Regards

Thanks Bruno ,
Much appreciated....;-))


Fonzy - at 17:49 CEST on 26-May-2007 [Reply]


Shelley O'Connell wrote:
> Hi Fons,
> Half the time I do not even open the insect macros because insects scare me but this one is
> really fascinating. As usual you have great detail and color.
> Regards, Shelley

Thank you very much Shelley,
You better get used to these little creatures because lots of people are uploading them..;-))
Just kidding ,
They don't harm you remember they are on photo not on the loose and crawling around on your bedroom floor..;-)
Best regards...............Fons

Fonzy - at 17:13 CEST on 27-May-2007 [Reply]

Cognitive picture!

Thanks to your photos I learned much new about insect!

Natasha SS

Natasha SS at 13:14 CEST on 28-May-2007 [Reply]


Natasha SS wrote:
> Thanks to your photos I learned much new about insect!
> Regards,
> Natasha SS
Thank you very much Natasha...
I'm happy when somebody like's my images and even more when they say the learned something from it....;-)))
You made my day........Thanks.......;-))
Best regards..........Fons

Fonzy - at 16:15 CEST on 28-May-2007 [Reply]