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MyOlympus.orgPrivate folders > H Gerlich > Common Redshank

Common Redshank

Common Redshank
Copyright ©2007, Hans Gerlich
Viewed times

Photographer: Hans Gerlich
Folder: H Gerlich
Uploaded: 25-May-2007 20:45 CEST
Current Rating: 9.50/2
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time: 1/640 sec
Aperture: F 8,9
Focal length: 1416 mm
Lens: Sigma 50-500 + EC 1,4
Focusing method:
ISO: 400
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied: levels & resized
Image resized to: 675x900

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Thanks for comment and rating. I changed some levels...
Regards Hans

> Great shot, nice composition to and sharp as well, the bird is well isolated from the background,
> BUT the exposure isn?t quit good ( ik denk dat je al in de RAW fase de belichting enof de
> wit ballans moet corigeren, de foto komt wat schraal over).

Hans Gerlich at 11:51 CEST on 26-May-2007 [Reply]



Well done like it very much....

Best regards................Fons

Fonzy - at 17:51 CEST on 26-May-2007 [Reply]


Your suggestion was right, also the RAW. The rest did my mouse and PS... Thanks

> You changed it very well, I?ll like it even more.

Hans Gerlich at 21:00 CEST on 26-May-2007 [Reply]

Common Redshank


Very good shot, very sharp as well, taking the focal length into account.

Kindest Regards: Peter

Peter French at 20:52 CEST on 28-May-2007 [Reply]


Hallo Peter,
Thank you for comment and rating. The Sigma 50-500 is a proper goed weather lens also using the EC 1,4. By such a extrem focal length I like my threepod and the Olympus RM 1 ;-)
Regards Hans

> Very good shot, very sharp as well, taking the focal length into account.

Hans Gerlich at 06:58 CEST on 29-May-2007 [Reply]