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View at the Kinderdijk( Netherlands)

View at the Kinderdijk( Netherlands)
Copyright ©2007, Fonzy -
Viewed times

Our field trip today brought us close to the windmills of the Kinderdijk( NL ) We did some shooting at Dragonflies and noticed in the distance a Stork .. So we went over there and we shot a few images... The Stork feeding on frogs and mouse in the field just been cut down by the farmer . In the distance a couple of Swans with there offspring... Way in the distance the windmills of the Kinderdijk. Now that I see this , I think what a beautiful place to live and I just want to share this with you.. Hope you like it also.....

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Birds 2007
Uploaded: 28-May-2007 21:55 CEST
Current Rating: 8.50/2
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time: 1/250
Aperture: 14
Focal length: 150mm
Lens: Sigma 150mm f2.8 macro
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 400
White balance: Clouds
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 700x900

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It's really Dutch, isn't it?
;-) Regards Hans

Hans Gerlich at 00:31 CEST on 29-May-2007 [Reply]


Hans Gerlich wrote:
> It's really Dutch, isn't it?
> ;-) Regards Hans

Sure is Hans ,
Thanks for looking and comment on it........;-))

Vriendelijke groet, Fons

Fonzy - at 10:10 CEST on 29-May-2007 [Reply]

View at Kinderdijk

I like this nice characteristic shot very much. Last sunday I happen to be on a bicycle ride in the Kinderdijk area too and saw some guys in the grassland. Were they shooting this picture?

Leen Terreehorst at 10:23 CEST on 29-May-2007 [Reply]


Leen Terreehorst wrote:
> I like this nice characteristic shot very much. Last sunday I happen to be on a bicycle ride
> in the Kinderdijk area too and saw some guys in the grassland. Were they shooting this picture?
> Regards
> Leen

Thanks Leen for the comment ............;-))
Yes probably you have seen us strolling around there...
Next time join in and enjoy the party.......

Best regards............Fons

Fonzy - at 10:39 CEST on 29-May-2007 [Reply]


hi Fons i like to ask you for a macro lens Sigma what you propose I buy, also how many it costs
Thanks a lot

Filaretos Corfu

Filaretos Doukas at 13:30 CEST on 29-May-2007 [Reply]


Thanks for posting this Fons. It's certainly a very European scene with the WHITE swans and stork. Our swans (in Aust) are black with red beaks and we don't have storks (or windmills ... not like those anyway). All the best, Ingrid.

Ingrid Matschke at 12:02 CEST on 30-May-2007 [Reply]


Thank you very much for looking and the comment Ingrid..
Much appreciated.....;-)
Best regards............Fons

Fonzy - at 12:40 CEST on 01-Jun-2007 [Reply]