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Fall fun in the leaves 1


Fall fun in the leaves 1
Copyright ©2009, Craig Williams
Viewed times

In the days of our older children, the kids were expected to help rake leaves. In our later years, along came Olivia. Now Dad rakes the leaves so Olivia can frolic in them.

Photographer: Craig Williams
Folder: Olivia
Uploaded: 12-Nov-2009 02:14 CET
Current Rating: 5.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C8080
Exposure time: 1/200
Aperture: 4.0
Focal length:
Focusing method:
ISO: 200
White balance:
Flash: no
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Processing applied:
Image resized to: 640x800

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Nice capture, but I think if you look into using "rule of thirds" this would have been a more appealing to the eye.

Denny Giacobe at 02:45 CET on 12-Nov-2009 [Reply]


I wouldn't worry about the rule of thirds on this one. I'd just crop each side in a bit, so that you'd have a stronger triangle effect.

David Johnson at 07:27 CET on 14-Nov-2009 [Reply]

Rule of thirds

David Johnson wrote:
> I wouldn't worry about the rule of thirds on this one. I'd just crop each side in a bit, so
> that you'd have a stronger triangle effect.

Thanks for the comment. This was just a "snapshot" that I posted for some reason. I'll try to work with the image to improve its impression.

Craig Williams at 01:09 CET on 15-Nov-2009 [Reply]

Rule of thirds

Denny Giacobe wrote:
> Nice capture, but I think if you look into using "rule of thirds" this would have been a more
> appealing to the eye.

Thanks, Denny. I'll see if I can crop the image to improve its effect.

Craig Williams at 01:10 CET on 15-Nov-2009 [Reply]