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Fautasi boat on Pago Pago harbour, American Samoa

Fautasi boat on Pago Pago harbour, American Samoa
Copyright ©2010, Jim Padget
Viewed times

This is a fautasi, a Samoan boat used for racing. Taken with my old E-510.

Photographer: Jim Padget
Folder: Common area
Uploaded: 22-Apr-2010 09:32 CEST
Current Rating: 7.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E510
Exposure time: 1/320
Aperture: f9
Focal length: 14mm
Lens: 14-42
Focusing method: iESP
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: HQ
Processing applied: Resized for uploading, then unsharp mask applied to fix softness induced by resizing. All done in Showfoto.
Image resized to: 899x1200

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Oh I really like this - I can almost dip my hand in the water..... there is a very liquid quality to this shot.
I thought at first that it needed levelling but I also see that the seats in the boat ARE level - whether leveling the shoreline would make the boat look wrong I'm not sure.....

Mike Bywater at 23:33 CEST on 23-Apr-2010 [Reply]


Thanks Mike.
I've never been able to get a horizontal horizon in my life, so I expect you're right about that. To get the shot I was thigh-deep in the ocean without any sort of waterproof housing on the camera. Tried very hard to keep my balance!!

Jim Padget at 00:10 CEST on 24-Apr-2010 [Reply]