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Small Tortoiseshell (3)

Small Tortoiseshell (3)
Copyright ©2010, Hans Gerlich
Viewed times

Photographer: Hans Gerlich
Folder: H Gerlich
Uploaded: 30-Jul-2010 20:29 CEST
Current Rating: 9.00/2
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E3
Exposure time: 1/200 sec
Aperture: F 8
Focal length: 210 mm
Lens: Sigma 105
Focusing method:
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied: cropped & resized
Image resized to: 645x800

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An exceptional capture. Well done.

Tom Barry at 16:11 CEST on 31-Jul-2010 [Reply]


A happy moment during a windy day.
Thank you for your comment and your rating.
Regards Hans

Tom Barry wrote:
> An exceptional capture. Well done.

Hans Gerlich at 21:55 CEST on 31-Jul-2010 [Reply]

So nice...

Hi Hans,

All three pictures are good. I like them. But this one is particularly beautiful.

Btw, could you tell me the name of this plant I don't know? I've never seen it in my neighbourhood...

Best regards.

Victor Biefnot at 18:54 CEST on 01-Aug-2010 [Reply]


Hallo Victor,
Thank you very much for your congratulations and rating. The shrub is a butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii)
also called summer lilac or orange eye is a shrub in the Buddlejaceae family.

Cheers Hans

Victor Biefnot wrote:
> Hi Hans,
> All three pictures are good. I like them. But this one is particularly beautiful.
> Congrats.
> Btw, could you tell me the name of this plant I don't know? I've never seen it in my neighbourhood...
> Best regards.
> Victor

Hans Gerlich at 23:02 CEST on 03-Aug-2010 [Reply]