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A boat trip in the Fjord

A boat trip in the Fjord
Copyright ©2005, Fonzy -
Viewed times

Taken in Norway, boat trip on the GeirangerFjord.

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My-Travel
Uploaded: 26-Jul-2005 10:17 CEST
Current Rating: 7.75/4
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E1
Exposure time: 1/125
Aperture: 8
Focal length: 54mm
Lens: ZD 14-54 mm
Focusing method: iESP P-AF
ISO: 100
White balance:
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: Cropped and Levels
Image resized to: 529x900

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I like this athmosphere and the untouched calm nature ... Nice foto ! You could have tried a vertical panorama to get an impression about the dimension relation Ships : Mountain

Dirk Guttmann at 19:58 CEST on 26-Jul-2005 [Reply]


Thanks Dirk for rating and viewing this pic, you are right a vertical panorama shot would have displayed the dimensions much more than ths horizontal one. I could have cropted this pic but than a would lose the second boat . I will keep it in mind for the next time, hope to go there some day again... Regards,

Fonzy - at 20:43 CEST on 26-Jul-2005 [Reply]



Frank Martens at 23:15 CEST on 28-Jul-2005 [Reply]

A boat trip in the Fjord

Thanks for viewing and comment on this picture Frank, Best regards....

Fonzy - at 08:21 CEST on 29-Jul-2005 [Reply]

Boat trip in a Fjord

When I saw that picture again it made me also homesick for Norway, many times I traveled thru Canada almost the same nature but Norway has that special thing "The Fjord's" they are amazing.... Thanks Shelley .....

Fonzy - at 08:24 CEST on 29-Jul-2005 [Reply]


Wonderful photo Fons, I've been on that boat on that Fjord. My grandfather was born and grew up near Geijranger on a little island called Runde. He left by row boat when he was 19, joined the merchant nave, travelled the world for 2 years and jumped ship in Australia where he stayed for the rest of his life and never saw Norway again. We went to Runde some years back to visit our relatives there. Great to see the Fjord again. Ingrid

Ingrid Matschke at 01:51 CET on 22-Mar-2007 [Reply]


Thank you very much for the comment Petr....
Best regards...Fons

Fonzy - at 17:59 CET on 13-Feb-2008 [Reply]


Wow!! I must have missed this one in 2005 Fons...but it's a very nice Image!! Congrats!!!

Bruce Thomas at 02:23 CEST on 17-Sep-2008 [Reply]


Bruce Thomas wrote:
> Wow!! I must have missed this one in 2005 Fons...but it's a very nice Image!! Congrats!!!

Hey thanks a lot Bruce for strolling in my old images....;-)))
Best regards............

Fonzy - at 15:57 CEST on 21-Sep-2008 [Reply]