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Jerusulem Artichoke

Jerusulem Artichoke
Copyright ©2004, Dale Gangloff
Viewed times

This is a photo of Jeruselum Artichoke that blooms very late in the fall here in New England. The yellow of this plant is intense. I love having it in my yard even though it is invasive. It is a very tall plant that grows from a tuber. Native Americans ate the tuber. People who are into health food also use the tuber. It is hard to clean and peal.

Photographer: Dale Gangloff
Folder: Common area
Uploaded: 14-Oct-2004 22:45 CEST
Current Rating: 7.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C5050
Exposure time: 1/600
Aperture: F2.6
Focal length: 21.3
Focusing method:
ISO: 64
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: I cloned out one hole in a petal
Image resized to: 600x800

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Three little ...

Very good Dale, also appreciate the info. Could be sharper.

Gary Hebert at 04:39 CEST on 15-Oct-2004 [Reply]