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Colorado River

Colorado River
Copyright ©2004, Rian Houston
Viewed times

Taken along the Colorado River in Utah heading to Moab on Highway 128.

Photographer: Rian Houston
Folder: Rian Houston
Uploaded: 20-Oct-2004 05:16 CEST
Current Rating: 8.75/4
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Model release available: 1
Camera: Olympus C5060
Exposure time:
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White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: HQ
Processing applied: Adjusted contrast and applied USM filter in photoshop elements.
Image resized to: 600x800

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Excellent Composition and beautiful scenery

Dale Gangloff at 12:12 CEST on 22-Oct-2004 [Reply]


Rian, this is just beautiful. I love the snow-capped mountains in the distance. They looks almost fake! It's a beautiful scene.


Kim Guarnaccia at 04:21 CEST on 24-Oct-2004 [Reply]


Rian, This is beautiful The composition is amazing and I just love the colors! Nice shot! Amy

Amy Fournier at 03:17 CET on 09-Nov-2004 [Reply]


Once again your composition is very good. The snow-capped mountains almost look unreal. Nit-picking I know but a slightly higher viewpoint would have placed the bush in the centre against the river. As it stands the top is a little lost against the distant trees. I might be tempted to remove part of the bush in PS or PSP to achieve the same effect - shouldn't be too difficult.

Dave Bennett at 20:09 CET on 04-Feb-2005 [Reply]