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Berlin Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Berlin Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
Copyright ©2006, Udo Altmann
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I tried to translate my impressions into photography. The effect of the grey concrete is oppressive so a near flow perspective seemed to be adequate. The concrete melted into the sky on this grey November afternoon.

The memorial is a field of stelae Size: 19,073 m? Number and dimensions of the stelae 2,711 stelae made of high-quality concrete, each measuring 0.95 m in width and 2.38 m in length, hollow, with inclinations of between 0.5? and 2?

For more information see

Photographer: Udo Altmann
Folder: Miscellaneous
Uploaded: 03-Jan-2006 20:58 CET
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C5060
Exposure time: 1/3
Aperture: F8
Focal length: 28
Focusing method: iESP
ISO: 80
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 800x600

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