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MyOlympus.orgPrivate folders > 0-0-2005 Pictures > My Birds 2006 > Jackdaw Corvus monedula

Jackdaw Corvus monedula

Jackdaw  Corvus monedula
Copyright ©2006, Fonzy -
Viewed times

I think this is a Jackdaw, I see many colours in the feathers so I don't know for sure.

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Birds 2006
Uploaded: 17-Feb-2006 17:36 CET
Current Rating: 8.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E1
Exposure time: 1/125
Aperture: 4
Focal length: 425mm
Lens: ED300mm+EC1.4 converter
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 200
White balance: Clouds
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied: RAW to JPG-Cloned a twig out
Image resized to: 749x1000

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Nice and sharp where it needs to be Fons, pity about the twigs. Strange effect on the background, do you jnow why?

Dave Hall at 20:01 CET on 17-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Thanks Dave, yes the twig should not be there but what can you do...!
The background twigs are moving in the wind that?s why they are so blurry and un sharp.
Also the use of the EC1.4 of course minimizes the DOF enormously.


Fonzy - at 20:12 CET on 17-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Ole Bornak wrote:
> Good shot Fons. I didn't Know they have blue eyes.
> Regards Ole.
Hi Ole ,
Blue eyes and lots of colours in the feathers.
Normaly they are all black over here.


Fonzy - at 22:07 CET on 17-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Among your last shots I prefer this one. Nice colours! Best regards Sergio

Sergio Di Giovanni at 23:18 CET on 17-Feb-2006 [Reply]


Sergio Di Giovanni wrote:
> Among your last shots I prefer this one. Nice colours! Best regards Sergio
Thank you Sergio,
In this dark and cold winter weather we have I am happy with all the shots I can make.
Hope we will have soon a little more sun shine so we can go out in the field again.


Fonzy - at 23:23 CET on 17-Feb-2006 [Reply]