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Fire at Coffee House

Fire at Coffee House
Copyright ©2006, Randall Beaudin
Viewed times

On a sunny Sunday walk I came across this drama.

Photographer: Randall Beaudin
Folder: RanD'Art
Uploaded: 10-Apr-2006 04:47 CEST
Current Rating: 8.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C5050
Exposure time: 1/250
Aperture: f4.0
Focal length:
Focusing method: iESP P-AF
ISO: 64
White balance: Daylight
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: resized
Image resized to: 530x800

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This picture made it to the local newspaper or not...?
They are shooting the water in at the top front and it comes out on the top LHS....;-)
Colourful momentum...

Fonzy - at 18:13 CEST on 10-Apr-2006 [Reply]


Hi Fons, I didn't even try as the last time that I photographed a fire the local papers were not interested. They would rather use there reporters who are not photographers but journalists! By the way I won an award for that shot!

Randall Beaudin at 00:33 CEST on 11-Apr-2006 [Reply]


I did not get this message from you Randall, was it due to you made a comment instead of clicking on reply?
I believe you won a award fore this shot, it's excellent IMO.
You are right , newspapers don't want to take pictures from other photographers, than there own.( reporter )
The must write your name under the picture and that's what they don't like to do.
Very foolish or selfish when you can publish a good shot....


Next time hit the reply.....;-)

Randall Beaudin wrote:
> Hi Fons, I didn't even try as the last time that I photographed a fire
> the local papers were not interested. They would rather use there reporters who are not photographers
> but journalists! By the way I won an award for that shot!

Fonzy - at 20:06 CEST on 11-Apr-2006 [Reply]