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Winter Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)

Winter Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
Copyright ©2006, Fonzy -
Viewed times

This little bird named Winter Wren( Troglodytes troglodytes) has a nest in my backyard...
I have seen her almost every day but never had a change to get this close to her...
Today it was my lucky day I guess , I could make this image from her..
Hope you like it as I do...
Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Birds 2006
Uploaded: 16-Oct-2006 16:49 CEST
Current Rating: 9.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time: 1/250
Aperture: 4.5
Focal length: 200mm
Lens: Zuiko ED50-200mm
Focusing method: iESP P-AF
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied: PS
Image resized to: 477x750

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Winter Wren


A lovely natural shot with the sun light to capture the moment and a very good result from the 50-200mm lens.
I was expecting to see the 300mm mentioned!
You have also beaten me to this shot, I keep on missing the Wren in my garden but I can hear it.
How far away were you?

Kindest Regards: Peter

Peter French at 19:17 CEST on 16-Oct-2006 [Reply]


Thanks very much Peter for this comment...
I was about 20 mtr from this little bird when I noticed the sound.
Looking in to to tree's I spotted her and was able to make a few images..
This is one of the better images I shot from her...
Hope to do better next time....


Fonzy - at 21:42 CEST on 16-Oct-2006 [Reply]