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Autumn Colours Still Life

Autumn Colours Still Life
Copyright ©2006, Fonzy -
Viewed times

Seeing the beautifull Still Life from Randall I could not stay behind ...

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My-Miscellaneous
Uploaded: 06-Nov-2006 18:05 CET
Current Rating: 9.00/3
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time: 1/100
Aperture: 8.0
Focal length: 50mm
Lens: ED14-54mm
Focusing method: iESP P-AF
ISO: 200
White balance: Incandescent
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: PS2
Image resized to: 700x900

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Fall or Christmas :-)

Very nice Fons. Looks a little more like Christmas to me ;-) Interesting that you should use this canvas treatment, I almost turned my shot into a painting. This subject matter just seems to lend itself to this interpretation eh. One comment though Fons, don't be afraid of kicker lights. IMO without, the subject, whatever it is. looks flat. Adding a kicker does exactly that. It kicks of the depth and adds dimension to an image. Again, good stuff, and I see that you have found one of the joys of shooting food and get to sample ;-)

Randall Beaudin at 19:57 CET on 06-Nov-2006 [Reply]


Thanks very much Randall, also for the tip to use kicker lights , did know what it was looked it up on Google and found some interesting tutorial's...

Best regards,

Fonzy - at 20:49 CET on 06-Nov-2006 [Reply]


Thanks Nigel , much appriciated...;-)


Fonzy - at 09:14 CET on 07-Nov-2006 [Reply]


Nice still life . good ps work but I prefer to see it in " natural" . Best regards Sergio

Sergio Di Giovanni at 09:29 CET on 07-Nov-2006 [Reply]


Thanks Sergio,
I will send you the original as a Christmas card, is that OK?

Best regards,

Fonzy - at 09:32 CET on 07-Nov-2006 [Reply]

Thank you very much Reijo,

you made me blush with this nice comment...;-)
This is something new again , I found it very interesting to do...
Before this shot was as it is I had finished the bottle of red wine, took me a while before I had the set-up I liked..

Best regards,

Fonzy - at 10:56 CET on 07-Nov-2006 [Reply]


Fons van Swaal wrote:
> Thanks Sergio,
> I will send you the original as a Christmas card, is that OK?
> Best regards,

Ok Fons! Thank you . Best regards Sergio

Sergio Di Giovanni at 21:00 CET on 07-Nov-2006 [Reply]


Very nicely done fons, the canvas treatment suits the image well, your hard work has paid off
Cheers Steve

Steve Elliott at 22:35 CET on 08-Nov-2006 [Reply]

Thanks Steve

for this comment... much appriciated...


Fonzy - at 22:50 CET on 08-Nov-2006 [Reply]


A very nice composition, Fons. I like it.
Burgundy , Bordeaux or ???

PS: A french proverb says:
?tre sobre c'est boire bon.
(approximate meaning)
be sober is to drink quality vine.

Bruno Nardin at 08:36 CET on 09-Nov-2006 [Reply]


Thank you very much Bruno and yes it was a Bordeaux ,
BTW, I was sober when I started , when the setting was finished not anymore...;-))

Best Regards

Fonzy - at 11:35 CET on 09-Nov-2006 [Reply]


Randall Beaudin wrote:
> Very nice Fons. Looks a little more like Christmas to me ;-) Interesting that you should use
> this canvas treatment, I almost turned my shot into a painting. This subject matter just seems
> to lend itself to this interpretation eh. One comment though Fons, don't be afraid of kicker
> lights. IMO without, the subject, whatever it is. looks flat. Adding a kicker does exactly
> that. It kicks of the depth and adds dimension to an image. Again, good stuff, and I see
> that you have found one of the joys of shooting food and get to sample ;-)
Hey Fons, cool my wife just spotted you in the wine glass :-) Maybe a little SPOTTING is in order in PS?? Have to pay attention, my boy!

Randall Beaudin at 01:01 CET on 13-Nov-2006 [Reply]


Randall Beaudin wrote:

> Hey Fons, cool my wife just spotted you in the wine glass :-) Maybe a little SPOTTING is in
> order in PS?? Have to pay attention, my boy!
Very Good ....tell your wife she has good eye's ......
I didn't see it or noticed it untill you told me ...
Well it's a good ? sign , not that I need one ;-))

Thanks again and west wishes..

Fonzy - at 10:34 CET on 13-Nov-2006 [Reply]



Fonzy - at 10:34 CET on 13-Nov-2006 [Reply]