The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

Lumi 2

Lumi 2
Copyright ©2007, Pekka Nihtinen
Viewed times

Photographer: Pekka Nihtinen
Folder: Common area
Uploaded: 02-Feb-2007 18:21 CET
Current Rating: 9.50/2
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E330
Exposure time: 0,40 sec
Aperture: 7,1
Focal length: 54mm
Lens: Zuiko 14-54
Focusing method: iESP
ISO: 100
White balance: Clouds
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied: Converted to TIFF, levels and lighting adjusted and converted to JPEG + frame added in PS Elements 3.
Various: Tripod.
Image resized to: 611x800

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The picture is gorgeous, the landscape in chaos yet undisturbed. I do wish you would cut the white frame down by at least half or more, to let the image have more breathing room.
Best, Vspen

Valorie Spencer at 04:44 CET on 03-Feb-2007 [Reply]


Pekka, it is getting better and better! I think this is one of your best shots! I ll give it an honest 10! I like the blueish cast, the composition. Forest scenes can be very difficult because one has to simplify and look for something that makes sense and is easy to grasp. It is about bringing some order and from into the random chaos of logs, trunks and underwood -without beeing able to arrange the things by hand.
Well done!
Regards Dietrich

Dietrich Gloger at 09:53 CET on 03-Feb-2007 [Reply]


Hello Pekka,
I like your picture with this beautiful blueish cast. I am agree with Dietrich about the difficulties to get good pictures in the forest. Good job and congratulations. Best regards,

Ricardo Rico at 21:12 CET on 08-Feb-2007 [Reply]