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Just before the strike

Just before the strike
Copyright ©2007, Fonzy -
Viewed times

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Birds 2007
Uploaded: 15-Mar-2007 16:51 CET
Current Rating: 8.50/6
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time: 1/400
Aperture: 4
Focal length: 300mm
Lens: ED300mm
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 400
White balance: Clouds
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 580x800

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Hi Fons - Good shot, well timed.
Or, did you have the poor bird pose for very long like that?

Mike Babson at 19:18 CET on 15-Mar-2007 [Reply]

Just before the strike


A very well captured action shot. I also like the appearance of the water, have you done anything with it?

Kindest Regards: Peter

Peter French at 20:41 CET on 15-Mar-2007 [Reply]


Great shot Fons. I like the ED 300 too....
Regards Hans

Hans Gerlich at 20:03 CET on 16-Mar-2007 [Reply]

Hi Mike ,

Thanks for the comment...

In fact I was a fraction to soon I would have loved seen the Heron touching the water.
He had no fish he missed, I missed a second shot also because my card was ful..(*!@#$%^&)

Anyway next time I will be better prepared...;-)))

Best reagards,

Fonzy - at 22:15 CET on 16-Mar-2007 [Reply]

Hi Hans..

Thanks for the generous comment , made it TOP image of the moment.


Fonzy - at 22:17 CET on 16-Mar-2007 [Reply]

Peter Hi to you also...

and thanks for the comment.....much appreciated....!!

Best regards,

Fonzy - at 22:18 CET on 16-Mar-2007 [Reply]


A great image , Fons.
Great movement feeling; And contrast between sharp bird and blurred water work fine together.
IMO head of bird is nit enough sharp..
But a 10 image....

Bruno Nardin at 12:01 CET on 17-Mar-2007 [Reply]

Thanks Bruno...

for the comment and generous rating...;-))

Best regards,

Fonzy - at 12:16 CET on 17-Mar-2007 [Reply]


G'Day Fons:

Very nice capture, indeed, and as someone else already mentioned, the combination of freezing the bird's movement and the motion of the water below makes for a most interesting image.

I like this image a lot but it looks to me as though the heron is about to take to its wings, not strike at food below. Leaning as far forward as the heron is, I don't see how it could ever maintain its balance and resume a standing posture.


Leon Plympton at 16:03 CET on 17-Mar-2007 [Reply]


Thanks Leon for the comment ...

Bird it ready to strike , just a natural pose at the moment he wanted to dive in to the water ...
The movement of the water is made by me by adding a little movement blur to the water ...


Fonzy - at 19:13 CET on 17-Mar-2007 [Reply]


G'Day Again!

Well, that's a first; I have spent hours (during my lifetime) watching Great Blue Herons - wading, flying, stalking, et cetera, but I have never seen one leap off a bank into the water after prey in the manner that you captured this bird. That really is a first for me - and an amazing capture. BTW: I took the time to look into all your other photo-files of GBH you've posted on this website (and there are quite a few!) and they're all mighty fine. Same goes for all the other photographs you've posted. You've got a very good eye (and equipment!). Do you have a personal website where you post your photographs? Just curious.

I'm really new to digital photography (and computers and the internet, etc) so needless to say, I don't have my own web page - not yet anyway (but I'm working on it!).


Leon Plympton at 01:02 CET on 18-Mar-2007 [Reply]


Definitely a good striking moment. I also like the swirls in the water. Good take Fons

SP Chua at 01:54 CET on 18-Mar-2007 [Reply]

SP Chua ....

Thank you very much also ...;-)))


Fonzy - at 10:17 CET on 18-Mar-2007 [Reply]