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HoverFly macro (3)

HoverFly macro (3)
Copyright ©2007, Fonzy -
Viewed times

Just one more macro shot with my ED50-200mm.

I guess you don't need to by a special macro lens because I found out that the ED50-200mm is capable of doing a great job in this field also...

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My Macro 2007
Uploaded: 06-Apr-2007 16:34 CEST
Current Rating: 9.00/2
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time: 1/320
Aperture: 4.5
Focal length: 200mm
Lens: ED50-200mm
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 722x900

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HoverFly macro (3)

G'Day Fons!

Simply amazing - sharp, wonderful colors and the bokeh is oh, so creamy smooth. That said, it's quite obvious that a photographer of your esteemed talent just doesnt' need a macro lens - let alone two. No doubt your gadget bag runneth over.

So, since I am such an admirer of your work and willing to do anything I can to help you out (to lighten your load, so to speak) I'll be glad to take either one of your macro lenses off your hands - or both, whatever floats your boat ;-)))



Leon Plympton at 17:06 CEST on 06-Apr-2007 [Reply]


Leon Plympton wrote:
> G'Day Fons!
> Simply amazing - sharp, wonderful colors and the bokeh is oh, so creamy smooth. That said,
> it's quite obvious that a photographer of your esteemed talent just doesnt' need a macro lens
> - let alone two. No doubt your gadget bag runneth over.
> So, since I am such an admirer of your work and willing to do anything I can to help you out
> (to lighten your load, so to speak) I'll be glad to take either one of your macro lenses off
> your hands - or both, whatever floats your boat ;-)))
> Ciao!
> -leon
Thanks for the comment Leon ,
It's a great honour and compliment I really appreciate that you admire my work....I'm very pleased ;-)
About the macro lenses you can get them cheaper in the states than I have to pay on stamps to mail them to you...LOL
My bag is getting havey thats right maybe I buy a chopping basket with wheels to pull or push the stuff around ..

Best regards,

Fonzy - at 18:29 CEST on 06-Apr-2007 [Reply]

HoverFly macro (3)


Well, whatever you say; it's your (very-very-very heavy) stuff.

BTW: Just curious, the best price I've seen on this side of the water is $409 for the ZD 50mm macro.
What's the best price on your side?


Leon Plympton at 23:01 CEST on 06-Apr-2007 [Reply]


Hi Fons, this is my favorite from the Hoverfly set. You are a very skilfull photographer, it is a good macro job with your 50-200, in spite of I complaint, just a little, because in my opinion, contrary to the comments from another people, the pictures are not enough sharpen.(for the Fons standars !!).. ;-)). Best regards, Ricardo.
PS. Maybe I need a new glasses !!

Ricardo Rico at 21:41 CEST on 08-Apr-2007 [Reply]


Leon Plympton wrote:
> G'Day!
> Well, whatever you say; it's your (very-very-very heavy) stuff.
> BTW: Just curious, the best price I've seen on this side of the water is $409 for the ZD 50mm macro.
> What's the best price on your side?
> Ciao!
Hi Leon
Have seen it for 479 euro
I will sell my lens for 379 euro ...
Will put it on the market soon


Fonzy - at 13:17 CEST on 09-Apr-2007 [Reply]


Hi Ricardo,

Thanks for the comment , as always much appreciated ...


Fonzy - at 13:19 CEST on 09-Apr-2007 [Reply]