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My Flowershots

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My Flowers

Kevin Dude 14-Mar-2008

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1000 Acre Swamp

Some delicate flowers I came across while walking the 100 Acre Swamp in Penfield, NY. The plants were in bush form with not many leaves. There were many of these and some in different colors.

Kevin Dude
19-Aug-2007 01:04 CEST
Bee's View

One of the blooms I found at the Lamberton Conservatory @ Highland Park in Rochester, NY. I used my Olympus OM 55mm f1.2 on a set of extension rings to let me focus closer than normal.

Kevin Dude
19-Aug-2007 01:04 CEST
Blue Gold

2" blue flower I found in a group on the lawn of Highland Park. I used an Olympus OM 135mm f3.5 on a small set of extension tubes.

Kevin Dude
19-Aug-2007 01:04 CEST
Early Elberta

This is a snap I took of the blossoms on my Early Elberta peach tree. The blossom is about 1.5 centimeters. This image is cropped about 50% from the original with resizing for the web and a touch of sharpening. The camera was set to sharpen at +2. The lens is an off brand (as far as I know) Accura, made in Japan 135 for Olympus OM mount. I used extension tubes and hand held the camera for this. No flash

Kevin Dude
19-Aug-2007 01:04 CEST
Ellwanger Garden

Two tulips large and pink lit by the sun from behind. I found these waiting for me at the Ellwanger Garden in Rochester, NY.

Kevin Dude
19-Aug-2007 01:04 CEST
Flowering Pear

I have a flowering pear tree on the property that I've been wanting to get pictures of for a long time. My E500 lets me get the pictures I want now with not too much effort. This bloom is about 1.5 centimeters across. This image is cropped about 50% from the original. I used a 135mm f3.5 lens on some extension tubes. It is handheld with little post processing other than resizing and a touch of sharpening. I had the camera set to +2 on the sharpening. It was a little hard to take with the wind blowing but I think I got a good number of keepers.

Kevin Dude
19-Aug-2007 01:04 CEST
Forget Me Nots

I'm told these are called forget me nots. These were in the Ellwanger Gardens in Rochester, NY that I visited this past weekend.

I used an Olympus OM 135mm f3.5 with extension tubes. These are very small blossoms and it was hard to get a non blurry picture. The wind blew these around quite easily.


I took about 30 shots before I got one that I could show.

That is pollen sprinkled on the petals.

Kevin Dude
19-Aug-2007 01:04 CEST
Hosta Bloom & Honeybee

One of the blooms in my friend's bed of hosta lit by the evening sun. The bee was nice enough to pose for me. I took this with my Olmpus OM 50mm f1.8.

Kevin Dude
19-Aug-2007 01:04 CEST
Hosta Cornell Plantations

Hosta blooms I found visiting Cornell Plantations in Ithaca, NY.

Kevin Dude
19-Aug-2007 01:04 CEST
Linwood Gardens, Tree Peony

I visited Linwood Gardens recently for their tree peony celebration. Ansel Adams and Minor White both photographed this place. It is a real gem in the New York Genesee Valley.

Kevin Dude
19-Aug-2007 01:04 CEST

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